The electronic journal “Biblioteca Universitaria”: Open Journal Systems initiative.


  • Bardo Javier García Martínez Dirección General de Bibliotecas, unam



Open Journal Systems, ojs, Content Management Systems, cms, electronic journals, Scientific and Peer-reviewed unam Journals, University Library 


Currently, the General Secretariat of the National University of Mexico carries out an initiative to integrate and manage its electronic journals by means of the content management system: “Open Journal Systems”, which specializes in electronic journals; during the 32nd International Book Fair of the “Palacio de Mine- ría”, this project was given a big impetus when the Portal of Scientific and Peer-reviewed UNAM Journals was presented, which seeks to host, support and give a wide visibility to the journals published in the portal. This article aims to raise awareness of the efforts of the General Directorate of Libraries to integrate its journal “Biblioteca Universitaria”, in its electronic version, in the Portal of Scientific and Peer-reviewed UNAM Journals, and thus become part of the current trends in publishing and meet the requirements and standards of international academic electronic journals. In this way we aim to give it a greater visibility in the subscribed databases by UNAM as well as providing our readers with specialized tools for reading.


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Author Biography

Bardo Javier García Martínez, Dirección General de Bibliotecas, unam

Departamento de Publicaciones de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas, UNAM. Noveno piso del Edificio de Biblioteca Cen- tral, Circuito Interior, C.U., c.p. 04510, México, D.F., México. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

García Martínez, B. J. (2011) “The electronic journal ‘Biblioteca Universitaria’: Open Journal Systems initiative”., Biblioteca Universitaria, 14(2), pp. 145–155. doi: 10.22201/dgb.0187750xp.2011.2.69.


