The SISMOMex Project and the Online National Seismology Information System (SNL) in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
National Seismology Library, seismograms, seismic information, special collections, Joint Library of Earth Sciences, telluric movementsAbstract
The SISMOMex Project (Seismic information on Mexico from the last 100 years) encompasses the search, retrieval, systematization and dissemination of information on the topic of seismicity and related areas, published in Mexico and abroad, about this country in the different academic levels. SISMOMex is the result of the compilation of resources in any format (printed, electronic, multimedia, etc.) and their corresponding records in a set of databases with a global search interface that offers the full text of those materials that do not infringe the copyright or that are available in Open Access, linking their content with other electronic resources created or acquired by the Joint Library of Earth Sciences and / or the National Autonomous University of Mexico, especially its collection of seismograms unique in the country, belonging to the National Seismological Service. This project covers the organization of the National Seismology Library with the seismograms generated by the National Seismological Service (SSN) located in the Institute of Geophysics (IGEF) of UNAM and previous ones that date from 1890, the inclusion of their information in a database, the records of the existing documents on the subject and its efficient organization in the library space allocated for this purpose. Due to its characteristics, both the National Seismology Library and the project in general are unique in Mexico, giving in the proposal a greater weight to its creation and to the services that are offered. With the development of SISMOMex, support will be provided mainly to the national scientific community, due to the fact that it will be possible, in one place, to search historical and current information on the seismic activity of our country.Downloads
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