Proposal of authority records for authors of mexican music in the School of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Name authority records, authority catalogs, information retrieval, Mexican music, Functional Requirements for Authority Data, Library Reference ModelAbstract
The objective of this document is to present a proposal of the attributes that must be recorded in authority records for authors of Mexican music belonging to the School of Music of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, so that, in the future, the School will develop an authority catalog for authors that supports user tasks set out in the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (frad): to find, identify, contextualize and justify; assuming that the records are a specialized source of research, for any music student and the public in general who wish to carry out research on the life and work of these authors.
Thus, the attributes established for the person entity in the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (frad) and the Library Reference Model (lrm) conceptual models were analyzed, such as the attributes of the entities: name, identifier, controlled access point, rules and agency in frad and of ‘res’, agent, person and ‘nomen’ in lrm, resuming those that were considered to have greater scope than others or are more appropriate when developing authority records for personal names.
Finally, the proposal is exemplified with an authority record for the researcher Eunice Padilla of the School of Music in Annex 1.
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