The Collector, His Collection, His Personal Library and the Practice of Collecting


  • Juan José Calva González



This paper reflects on a rather untreated topic, of which there is scarce bibliography and refers to what is a collection of documentary materials that make up a personal collection, also known as a private or personal library. This term presents a problem that can be self-reflective. There is also the unknown of how these types of private collections are formed, how the collector sets them up, under what criteria the diverse material contained in his collection is used, as well as the organization of all of its materials. This organization does not follow a pre-established classification system such as lc or Dewey, but one that follows other personal criteria. Finally, it presents an analysis and reflection of the work "The art of collecting" by Walter Benjamin.


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Martínez de Sousa, José. Diccionario de bibliología y ciencias afines. 2a ed. aumentada y actualizada. Madrid: Pirámide, 1993.

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How to Cite

Calva González, J. J. (2017) “The Collector, His Collection, His Personal Library and the Practice of Collecting”, Biblioteca Universitaria, 20(2), pp. 133–139. doi: 10.22201/dgb.0187750xp.2017.2.187.


