Approach to the practices in the use of information by tattoo artists in Mexico City




Tattoo artist, Information behavior, México City


Tattoo artists not only need a passion for art or an artistic capacity that brings out creativity, but also the acquisition of knowledge that that allows them to understand hygienic care, perfect their styles and/or techniques, and develop the necessary skills to engrave the images on their clients’ bodies. Therefore, as any person requires information for decision–making or to solve problems that arise daily in their practice of tattooing, which is why this research aimed to establish the behavior in the search for the information from the community of tattoo artists / tattoo artists in Mexico City. Accordingly, the methodology consisted in the selection of a direct method through a semi–structured interview applied through a non-probabilistic sample called voluntary participants to forty tattoo artists. Some of the results show that to acquire their knowledge and improve their techniques and styles, they mainly consulted other colleagues, likewise, they used the Internet as an informational resource. In addition, there was no preference for the use of any type of format, that is, printed or electronic. In relation to language, a preference for Spanish was found.


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Author Biographies

Wendy Mishel Romero Pérez, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM

Licenciada en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. Correo electrónico: wendymishelromero@gmail. com,

Angélica Guevara Villanueva, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM

Doctora en Bibliotecología y Estudios de la Información, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM. Correo electrónico:,


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How to Cite

Romero Pérez, W. M. and Guevara Villanueva, A. (2024) “Approach to the practices in the use of information by tattoo artists in Mexico City”, Biblioteca Universitaria, 26(2). doi: 10.22201/dgbsdi.0187750xp.2023.2.1513.


