The collection of periodicals of the Central Library of the UNAM registered in SERIUNAM
Central Library, Periodicals, SERIUNAMAbstract
The collection of periodicals in the Central Library of the UNAM probably began in 1956 when it came into service: Its registration in the SERIUNAM Collective Catalog dates from 1984 when it was created. It is important to know how the collection of periodicals of the Central Library in the SERIUNAM catalog was built. An attempt was made to determine by bibliometric means how many titles are current, how the acquisition of the periodicals that constitute the collection in question was made, which countries the publications come from and which fields of knowledge are covered. It was found that 2 355 are current titles, and 815 titles have been received by donation. The disciplinary approach of this collection is mostly oriented towards the social sciences. The results obtained indicate that attention has been made to this type of resources.
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