Open Access and Open Source Software: an Area of Opportunity for Libraries


  • Oscar Arriola Navarrete



Open access, digital repositories, open source software, academic libraries, information resources


This paper attempts to join two of the biggest initiatives that are currently in vogue: open access and open source software. As for open access, the importance as a resource for locating and retrieving scientific and academic documents, immediately, is highlighted; this paper also describes in general terms, its inception, features and audience to which it is aimed, among other things. The open source software is also described in general, based primarily on the four freedoms that characterize it.


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Author Biography

Oscar Arriola Navarrete

Escuela Nacional de Biblioteconomía y Archivonomía (enba), Calzada Ticomán 645, Col. Santa María Ticomán, c.p. 07330, México, d.f. México. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Arriola Navarrete, O. (2011) “Open Access and Open Source Software: an Area of Opportunity for Libraries”, Biblioteca Universitaria, 14(1), pp. 26–40. doi: 10.22201/dgb.0187750xp.2011.1.123.




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