Mexican publications in multidisciplinary journals:
Multidisciplinary journals, Scientific production, Scientific impact, Bibliometrics, MexicoAbstract
We determined the participation of authors belonging to Mexican institutions in the multidisciplinary journals indexed in the publication “Journal Citation Re- ports”, version 2018. The study was supported by a quantitative bibliometric method and data mapping by means of the VosViewer software. The search and retrieval of papers from each one of the journals were carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases published from 1900 through 2019. The first works of Mexico in multidisciplinary journals were published in the journal “Science” by Alfonso Luis Herrera and Pehr Olsson-Seffer, discussing topics of biology and botany, respectively. At the beginning of the 1990s, the participation in multidisciplinary journals increased and consolidated during the 2000s. Plos One is the journal with the highest number of publications despite its low presence for some years. The most productive authors were: Reyes Beltrán, Herrera Estrella, Souza and Ceballos.
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