The Central Library of the University City (UNAM), an embodiment of Mexico in the 1950’s
This paper will examine the Central library of the University City of the unam, which opened in 1956, built on 16 thousand square meters and is now part of the unesco World Heritage List since 2007.1 Under the supervision of Carlos Lazo, Juan O’Gorman created an iconic mural onto the walls of the library. This artwork integrated into the architecture of the university is only one of many, which participates to what is often qualified as the “synthesis of the arts”. The synthesis of the arts will be considered as works of art linking an iconography through different mediums and processes, and highlighting the importance of collaboration and the effects of each material involved.2 This paper argues that the Central Library of the University City of the unam is an emblem for the synthesis of the arts, which embodies Mexico in the 1950’s. I will examine the vision of a synthesis of the arts in Mexico City at this time, analyse the Central library and its aim to embrace a socially united Mexican society, and explore the limits of the synthesis’ practical application.
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